Podstrona: Wybrane zagadnienia elektrotechniki i elektroniki / Wizytówka pracownika PRz


Wybrane zagadnienia elektrotechniki i elektroniki

19-09-2021 r.
, red. Damian Mazur

The aim of the conference, organised by the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is to present the academic achievement, exchange the working experience and integrate the interdisciplinary academic environment of electrical engineering, electronics and mechatronics. The event planned for the current 2021 will be the 16th international meeting devoted to electrical engineering, electronics, industry 4.0 and RES, which gathers top specialists, engineers and lecturers from all over the world each year. At the conference the latest achievements are to be discussed, as well as the future improvements of industry 4.0, electromobility, renewable energy sources and smart electronics, all inducing the growth of economy based on these fields of knowledge.

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